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ReWired Project


Serious aims to inspire and innovate with everything it does.

Their year round Learning & Participation programme brings professional artists and the wider community together, providing inspiration through music for everyone involved.

They align their work as music producers with a commitment to learning and participation at every level, offering audiences the opportunity to take an active part and to deepen their understanding of the variety of musical styles and cultures Serious presents.

Acting on the belief that music is a powerful way to engage with people, they encourage and enable attendance at their events by all sections of the community, including those who are often marginalised or excluded and those who would not normally associate themselves with music and the arts.

Young & Serious is their main youth project with the specific aims to engage and empower young people aged 17-25 who want to gain experience behind-the-scenes in the music industry. The programme began in 2007 and now benefits ten to twelve participants each year. Young & Serious was born out of Serious’ desire to support meaningful ‘real-life’ experience for aspiring industry professionals while not wanting to develop a culture of unpaid internships. The Young & Serious model was therefore designed to be more accessible to those who couldn’t commit to long internships as well as providing opportunities for young people to have more responsibility over the events they produce and to learn valuable new skills.

