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ReWired Project


We set out to learn more about Youth Voice in the country’s music education organisations. Learn more about our approach and findings.

Youth Voice

We use the term ‘youth voice’ to refer to any activity that empowers young people to have their thoughts, opinions and ideas heard, valued and acted upon; to shape, lead and produce their own activities; or to be involved at a governance level of organisations and be part of decision making. We discovered that youth voice in music education settings is relatively unexplored and little discussed nationally.

Youth Voice activities

ReWired Research

We launched the ReWired national survey in February 2015 to gather information about existing youth voice activities in music education across England for the first time. We also held a national summit at Roundhouse in July 2015, which was an opportunity to hear from organisations across the country and consider what a national youth voice in music might look like.  This website opens up our findings and shares resources in the hope that we can kick-start a bigger debate about youth voice, and raise its profile for organisations working musically with young people.

ReWired National Survey 2015

What we found

The results paint an interesting picture of the current status of youth voice and empowerment activities. There are encouraging signs of organisations working to empower young people, but also clear challenges faced in making youth voice a reality. You can explore the organisations surveyed and read an overview of our initial findings in the project’s Executive Summary.  We hope the ReWired findings and resources will help organisations develop their own youth voice practice, and also support us together to work towards a national youth voice in music.


We collected detailed responses from 22 organisations who together are engaging with more than 5,000 young people each year.


Reports, videos and articles to inform and inspire.
